
General Chess Discussion

RepliesLast post
Is forcing the enemy to get doubled pawns good if it opens up their file?2
by j88q
Short game - oops4
by mkubecek
What was the first game to ever be recorded in the history of chess? How good were the players?30
by AyaanshGaur12
get three stars in all (chess basics in the learn section) including practice , puzzles ,videos etc3
by Cedur216
by Oleg-2015-cool
Preslav's 2+5 & 3+2 Tournaments14
by kyasu345
Todays daily chess puzzle has two solutions?3
by ZafarIqbal
by FM AuraZ0
viewing all of my 11 games of corresp chess on one screen??1
by Cedur216
Quería saber como puedo encontrar mis partidas anteriores para poder revisarlas1
by Qlibet
This puzzle has more than one way to checkmate the king.5
by Noflaps
All About Cheating - Part 2: The Psychology and Pathology of Cheaters36
by toxic_internet
But I'm NOT sandbagging, I naturally lose at rated matches!11
by Alancheng
i have lost all my enthusiasm15
by Chess_Player109
My first OTB tournament9
by gilligan841